It is perfectly OK to only code at work, you can have a life too.

There is often pressure inside Software development for Software developers to code outside of work hours. Coding is considered a passion for some, but others don’t think this way. They are more than happy to not code in their spare time. This is OK.

Meetup groups, side-projects, coding quizzes, side-hustles, developing websites for friends and family. Improving your coding skills takes time, effort, discipline and sacrifice. But is it really necessary? That is for you to decide.

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Source: Quora

There is no doubt that there is importance to setting goals. It helps to see where you are going and to have something you are working towards. Being the best coder isn’t everyone’s goal.

People often feel peer pressure to code outside of hours, to stay competitive and to be the best. If someone is making you feel this way, you can remind yourself that it is perfectly OK to only code at work. Some people might even argue that doing too much can have diminishing returns…

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Source: Quora

Many developers follow the Pomodoro Technique, where they are able to sustain long coding sessions and provide a much higher quality of work.

MIT recommends to break between long sessions for maintaining good mental health, taking a break for the brain. Regular breaks can improve your productivity and keep your quality of work up to a high standard.

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Source: HackerNews

In short, it is perfectly OK to have a life outside of work. Many people hack their schedules according to their own goals and interests, which may or may not include coding. If you think this post could help someone out there, please share it around!

Wishing you all the best.

Happy Coding!

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