Some of my recent work at GoCardless uncovered a need
to benchmark a Postgres cluster. In an attempt to simulate a realistic workload
I wrote a tool that replays captured Postgres activity against a live server,
providing an opportunity to predict how queries might degrade with configuration
This post covers the implementation of
pgreplay-go, a tool to
realistically simulate captured Postgres traffic. I’ll explain why existing
tools weren’t suitable and explain some challenges in the implementation,
focusing on what I learned personally from the process.
Prior art
When faced with a technical problem it’s often better to use an existing tool
than jump into writing one yourself. Having benchmarked Postgres clusters
before, I was already familiar with a tool called
pgreplay that I thought could do the job.
My benchmarking strategy with pgreplay is pretty simple: first capture logs from
your production cluster that contain all executed queries then feed this to
pgreplay which will replay those queries against the new cluster.
Post-processing logs from the new cluster will show how the machines performed
under production load, helping determine if changes are going to degrade
This process had worked well before but broke as soon as I applied it to this
migration. Watching Postgres during a replay, there were spikes of activity
followed by periods of quiet:

The new cluster was sufficiently different that several queries were now much
slower than they had been in the original log capture. pgreplay will ensure
queries execute in their original order- any queries that take longer to execute
in the replay will block subsequent queries. The graph shows how several badly
degraded queries caused pgreplay to stall, leading to the periods of inactivity.
Benchmarks can take several hours to execute and having the replay stall for
problematic queries adds more time to an already slow process. The inactivity
also impacts the realism of your tests- users don’t respond to a system under
load by forming a queue and politely waiting for their first query to finish!
So if this isn’t going to work, what might? It seemed to me a better replay
strategy would be one that modelled each connection separately, where
long-running queries would only impact their own connection. This allows us to
measure the effect our degraded query has on other traffic by continuing with
the rest of our replay.
Much like the original pgreplay, a tool that achieves this would have just a few
components: a Postgres log parser which constructs the work to replay, a
streamer that can pace execution to match the original logs and a database that
can model on-going connections. The tool would need to be fast (perhaps a
compiled language?) and use a runtime with cheap concurrency in order to model
each connection.
We needed the benchmark results within a week, meaning there were three (leaving
two days for running the benchmarks) days to build something that met these
objectives. It would be close, but three days felt doable to create this
Goldilocks replay tool, especially with a language I was already familiar with.
In a burst of optimistic naivety, I decided it was worth giving it a shot.
Log parsing: how hard can it be?
By necessity, we start by parsing the Postgres logs. I initially thought this
would be easy and couldn’t have been more wrong!
Multi-line tokenising
When parsing logs you usually split the file by newlines to find each entry, but
the Postgres errlog format doesn’t work like this. As most log entries contain
newlines, the errlog format allows for newline characters by prefixing
continuation lines with a leading tab character (t
2019-02-25 15:08:27.239 GMT|alice|pgreplay_test|5c7404eb.d6bd|LOG: statement: insert into logs (author, message)
values ('alice', 'says hello');
Parsing this type of log is more fiddly than splitting on newlines. Instead of
scanning your file looking for a symbol (n
), you’re scanning until you see
your symbol not followed by an additional marker (n
not followed by t
This requires the scanner to look ahead of where the current token will
terminate, complicating the logic around when to split.
Given this was a small, simple project, I was keen to avoid heavy-weight
parser-generators that would require an additional build step. I instead reached
for the standard library to tokenise my log lines- after all, Go has an
interface called a Scanner
exactly this purpose.
Several hours and some considerable frustration later, I had a splitter
full of error-prone mutation and a distinct feeling that strtok
would have
been less painful. This was something I hadn’t considered when choosing Go for
the implementation, but the stdlib support for string maniuplation is really
poor compared to what I’m used to. It caught me off-guard that Go would be so
poorly suited to the task.
Regardless, I now had something that could parse individual log entries and felt
confident the worst was over. Next problem please!
Parsing log items (Simple vs Extended)
Holy crap, this did not work like I thought it would.
Postgres clients can opt to use one of two query protocols to issue commands
against the server. The first is the simple
protocol, where the client sends a text string containing the SQL with all
parameters already interpolated into the query string. Simple queries will be
logged like this:
[1] LOG: statement: select now();
These are easy- we parse the query from this line and execute it against the
server. It’s the extended protocol that gets hard.
Extended query protocol provides safe handling of query parameters by divorcing
the SQL query from the injection of parameter values. The client first provides
the query with parameter placeholders, then follows with values for those
paramters. Executing select $1, $2
with parameters alice
and bob
yield the following logs:
[1] LOG: duration: 0.042 ms parse <unnamed>: select $1, $2;
[2] LOG: duration: 0.045 ms bind <unnamed>: select $1, $2;
[3] DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'alice', $2 = 'bob'
[4] LOG: execute <unnamed>: select $1, $2;
[5] DETAIL: parameters: $1 = 'alice', $2 = 'bob'
[6] LOG: duration: 0.042 ms
Log lines 1, 2 and 3 represent the initial preparation of this query, where
Postgres creates an unamed prepared statement and binds our two parameters.
Query planning occurs during the bind stage but it’s at line 4 that we know our
query has begun execution.
Ignoring all but 4 and 5, how would we parse these log lines into executable
instructions? We can see that logging the execution of a prepared statement is
immediately followed by a DETAIL
log entry describing the parameter values,
but we’ll need to combine these together before we know what query to execute.
It’s now worth discussing the interfaces we’ll be using for parsing these logs.
The primary parsing interface is ParserFunc
, which takes a Postgres errlog
file and produces a channel of replay Item
’s, where an Item
signifies an
actionable log entry that can be Handle
d by a database.
type ParserFunc func(io.Reader) (
items chan Item, errs chan error, done chan error
var _ Item = &Connect{}
var _ Item = &Disconnect{}
var _ Item = &Statement{}
var _ Item = &BoundExecute{}
type Item interface {
GetTimestamp() time.Time
GetSessionID() SessionID
GetUser() string
GetDatabase() string
Handle(*pgx.Conn) error
We expect to run our parser across very large (>100GB) log files and lazily
emit the parsed Item
’s as soon as we parse them. Of the four categories of
we can parse, BoundExecute
represents the combination of a prepared
statement and it’s query parameters.
As prepared statements with query parameters come in two log lines, it’s
possible for our parsing process to successfully parse a log line (like the
entry) without it being complete, as it lacks parameters. Modelling
this concept required another type to represent an Execute
type Execute struct {
Query string `json:"query"`
func (e Execute) Bind(parameters []interface{}) BoundExecute {
return BoundExecute{e, parameters}
Unlike all the other types, Execute
does not satisfy the Item
interface as
it lacks a Handle
method, so we’ll never be able to send it down our results
channel (chan Item
). As we parse our items, we track the last recognised
log line against each on-goinging connection’s SessionID
and pass
this mapping to ParseItem
so that it can match subsequent DETAIL
against unbound executes:
func ParseItem(logline string, unbounds map[SessionID]*Execute) (Item, error) {
// LOG: execute <unnamed>: select pg_sleep($1)
// execute items are parsed incompletely and stored in our unbounds
// map for later matching against DETAILSs.
if strings.HasPrefix(msg, LogExtendedProtocolExecute) {
unbounds[details.SessionID] = &Execute{details, parseQuery(msg)}
return nil, nil // return nothing for now
// DETAIL: parameters: $1 = '1', $2 = NULL
// This log line should match a previously parsed execute that is
// unbound. We expect to return the bound item.
if strings.HasPrefix(msg, LogExtendedProtocolParameters) {
if unbound, ok := unbounds[details.SessionID]; ok {
// Remove the unbound from our cache and bind it
delete(unbounds, details.SessionID)
return unbound.Bind(ParseBindParameters(msg)), nil
By maintaining the unbound cache as part of a stateful parsing function we can
support the two-staging process of combining execute and detail lines into a
single replay item. By representing our Execute
entry as a type without a
method, we leverage Go’s type system to enforce and communicate the
incompleteness of this log entry, helping the compiler catch whenever these
items were incorrectly sent to the database to be replayed.
While tricky and much more complicated than I expected, it was nice to find a
solution to the parsing that can be expressed well in Go’s type system.
Lazy streaming
Now we’ve parsed our logs, we need to replay items at the apparent rate they
were originally executed. We can picture our benchmark as a pipeline of replay
items, first being parsed then streamed at production rate and finally consumed
by a database:
parse(logs) -> stream(replayRate) -> replay(database)
Ideally this replay tool would be so efficient that we could run it from the
same box as the target Postgres without affecting our benchmark. This requires
us to rate limit the parser to read only as much log as we currently need to
replay, preventing us from trashing our disk parsing GBs of logs at the start of
each benchmark.
The need to lazily consume our logs is why the parsing implementation returns a
chan Item
that asynchronously receives parsed items. Sending a message down a
Go channel will block the calling gorouting until the message is consumed. We
can exploit this behaviour by implementing our streaming component as a consumer
of our parse channel, pulling items from the parser only when they
should be consumed according to their original log entry time.
With some detail removed, the implementation of
looks like this:
// Stream consumes items from the given channel and returns a channel
// that will receive those events at a simulated given rate.
func (s Streamer) Stream(items chan Item, rate float64) (out chan Item) {
go func() {
var first, start time.Time
var seenItem bool
for item := range items {
// Calculate the time elapsed since we started our stream, adjusted
// for our playback rate
elapsedSinceStart := time.Duration(rate) * time.Now().Sub(start)
// Time elapsed between the current and first item we processed
elapsedSinceFirst := item.GetTimestamp().Sub(first)
// If the amount of time from our first item to the current is
// greater than our current stream runtime, sleep for that period
// of time adjusted by our rate.
if diff := elapsedSinceFirst - elapsedSinceStart; diff > 0 {
time.Sleep(time.Duration(float64(diff) / rate))
// Now we've appropriately throttled, we can push the item
out <- item
By measuring each item’s timestamp against the relative progress of our stream,
we can send the item only when we know it’s due. Whenever we pause on an item
that’s arrived early we stop pulling from our input channel, ensuring the
upstream parsing pauses until we continue. The same goes for pushing down our
out channel, where we’ll pause until our downstream database consumes the
Individual replay sessions
We’re now at our final component, where we replay our throttled execution items
against the target database.
However we build this, we want to avoid the original problem where a single
degraded query blocks the entire replay. The chosen strategy is to model each
session individually, feeding items to each separately. Degraded queries will
only block items that follow on the same session, avoiding the stop-the-world
pauses we saw with our original benchmarking.
As with the streamer, we’ll pull items from our lazily supplied chan Item
. The
function looks something like this:
func (d *Database) Consume(items chan Item) (chan error, chan error) {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
errs, done := make(chan error, 10), make(chan error)
go func() {
for item := range items {
var err error
conn, ok := d.conns[item.GetSessionID()]
// Connection did not exist, so create a new one
if !ok {
d.conns[item.GetSessionID()] = d.Connect(item)
// Start our connection control loop, asynchronously
// processing items for its session
go func(conn *Conn) {
defer wg.Done()
conn.In() <- item
// We've received every item, so close our channels
for _, conn := range d.conns {
// Wait for every connection to terminate
return errs, done
We map each Postgres session to its own goroutine, where we process items as
they come in from our streamer. sync.WaitGroup
is used to wait for all our connections to terminate before signalling that
we’re finished.
As each connection could potentially receive thousands of items while running a
degraded query, we need channels that have an ‘infinite’ buffer. Go has no
native support for this, but the
eapache/channels library provides an
type that works just fine.
After a couple of days hacking this together, I finally had something that
(fingers crossed!) could achieve what we were looking for. I’d already collected
the logs so got to work setting up our benchmark machine.
Parser performance (15MB/s -> 340MB/s)
First impressions were great: watching the Postgres metrics of the machines
showed a constant level of activity that was free of the start-stop behaviour
we’d seen with the original pgreplay tool. Things looked less rosy when
comparing the figures to production, where the peak op/s were 4x what was seen
during the benchmark run.
Something wasn’t keeping up with our benchmark capture. On a hunch, I modified
the pgreplay code to take no action on parsed items and tried running a replay
while measuring the speed it read the log file. Unsurprisingly, we were parsing
our logs much slower than I’d hoped…
$ pv --rate postgresql.log | pgreplay run --errlog-input /dev/stdin
ts=2019-04-06T19:15:27.045501Z caller=level.go:63 event=metrics.listen address= port=9445
The production instance that produced the benchmark logs would occassionally
burst logs at 30MB/s. If we maxed out at 15MB/s when parsing logs then our
replay would be totally unable to replicate the production traffic.
Luckily Go has great support for profiling and a compiler that can provide
optimisation hints. Running go build
with -gcflags '-m'
will turn on escape
analysis warnings which can help catch optimisation issues.
$ go build -gcflags '-m' parse.go
./parse.go:249:16: func literal escapes to heap
./parse.go:248:29: &bufio.Scanner literal escapes to heap
./parse.go:247:20: leaking param: input to result ~r1 level=-1
./parse.go:178:16: func literal escapes to heap
./parse.go:177:47: strings.NewReader(input) escapes to heap
./parse.go:177:47: &strings.Reader literal escapes to heap
Writing performant code for languages with automated memory management often
requires avoiding memory allocations. In the perfect world, all function
variables would be allocated on the stack, as stack-allocated variables have no
garbage-collection overhead as they get released automatically when the function
My initial attempt at parsing was a great example of how not to optimise for
memory allocations. Selecting one of the poorer snippets:
func ParseBindParameters(input string) ([]interface{}, error) {
parameters := make([]interface{}, 0)
prefixMatcher := regexp.MustCompile(`^(, )?$d+ = `)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(input))
scanner.Split(func(data []byte, atEOF bool) (int, []byte, error) {
In this extract we’ve supplied an anonymous function to Split
which has a
closure over the parameters
and prefixMatcher
variables in the outer
function scope. As anonymous functions can outlive their parent, all variables
they reference are ruled out for stack allocation, to avoid releasing them
before they are used. Go’s escape analysis made it clear our variables were
heap allocated by screaming X escapes to the heap
, and it’s sensible to assume
this will majorly affect parsing performance.
I went through each warning turning anonymous functions into static package
functions and reducing (where possible) my use of heap allocated objects. This
and a couple of changes to add buffers saw our parsing speed increase by 16x to
$ pv --rate postgresql.log | pgreplay run --errlog-input /dev/stdin
ts=2019-04-06T19:58:18.536661Z caller=level.go:63 event=metrics.listen address= port=9445
[ 346MiB/s]
Deadlocks and segfaults
I was now so close to a functional benchmark, and what I could see from our
metrics was giving me real hope. My test benchmarks would start with the same
amount of activity as production in our target cluster, until…

While close, dying just 20m into a 3hr benchmark isn’t going to cut it. After
losing some hours debugging deadlocks and segfaults it became clear I needed
more visibility. Go is known for many things but fearless concurrency is not one
of them- so many things could be going wrong that guessing wasn’t getting me
far without more information.
I skimmed through each component of the pipeline and added simple Prometheus
metrics that helped me understand which stage was jamming. Along with my custom
metrics came the Go runtime stats which usefully tracks goroutine activity,
aiding deadlock debugging. This new information allowed me to track down the
remaining problems until I could successfully execute a multi-hour benchmark.

Revisiting why I’d started this work, pgreplay-go solves my issues with pgreplay
and allowed me to confidently test a new Postgres cluster. Not only did it get
the results my team had needed, the journey from initial commit to functioning
tool happened within the five day timeline I’d set out from the start.
Beyond just solving the problem I enjoyed being wrong with every one of my
assumptions about how easy this task would be to solve. It was entertaining in a
silly way when nothing quite worked how I expected it to, and I really enjoyed
debugging each problem as it came along.
In terms of learning, I now know a lot more about Postgres logging and
connection protocols. It was also an opportunity to practice my Go programming
and became more familiar with optimising my code. Finally, implementing
Prometheus metrics even for such a small project reminded me of how cheap an
investment observability can be for the huge value you get once you have it
The full source code and compiled binaries for pgreplay-go can be found
here. Readers can look forward to
future GoCardless posts about
the outcome of the PostgreSQL benchmarking!