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Luakit – fast, extensible, and customizable web browser

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Luakit Web Browser

A fast, extensible, and
customizable web browser

Luakit is a highly configurable browser framework based on the WebKit web content engine and the GTK+ toolkit. It is very fast, extensible with Lua, and licensed under the GNU GPLv3
license. It is primarily targeted at power users, developers and anyone who wants to have fine-grained control over their web browser’s behaviour and


Luakit in normal mode when reading a web page.

Luakit in follow mode with several link hints visible.

Luakit showing the ad blocker settings page, listing currently active filter lists.

Luakit with a different theme and with vertical tabs enabled.

Downloading Luakit

Supported Operating Systems

  • Windows 10 with WSL

  • Linux

  • BSD

Important WebKit Security Notice

While switching to the
WebKit 2 API means a vastly improved security situation, not all distributions of Linux package the
most up-to-date version of WebKitGTK+, and several package very outdated versions that
have many known vulnerabilities. As of November 2017, Arch, Fedora,
Gentoo, and Ubuntu all have the latest version of WebKitGTK+, but Debian
and OpenSUSE ship outdated and vulnerable versions in their
stable channel. See here for more details.

If you use Luakit for browsing, it is your responsibility to ensure that
your distribution packages an up-to-date version of WebKitGTK+!

Installing on Windows 10

  1. First, install the Windows Subsystem for Linux if you have not already done so, as WebKitGTK+ does not natively support Windows.

  2. The default Linux system is based on Ubuntu “Trusty”; upgrade your system to Ubuntu “Xenial” by running the following command at the Linux terminal:


    This is required due to a missing dependency (Lua File System) in the earlier version of Ubuntu.

  3. Download, build, and install luakit from source, following the instructions below.

Installing on Linux

  • Arch Linux users can install the luakit-git package from the AUR.

  • Other users will need to download and build from source. A Debian package is in the works. Luakit contains only around 9000 lines of code, so this process is usually very fast.

Installing on BSD

FreeBSD and OpenBSD users can install the luakit package.

When installing from source, OpenBSD users should build with clang instead of GCC, as the GCC version shipped with OpenBSD is outdated and its use will result in compilation errors.

Installing from source

  1. Ensure you have the following required dependencies installed:

  2. Download the latest development version:
    Alternatively, clone the project with Git
    by running:

    git clone git://
  3. Change into the target directory and run make install. You will probably also want to customize the prefix, which is /usr/local by default.
    Full instructions on building Luakit are available in the file.

  4. After successfully building and installing luakit, run luakit from the command line or launch luakit from your application launcher.

Copyright 2019 the luakit team

All written documentation and luakit code are copyright to their respective authors.

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