ladies and gentlemen we're back with another video today we're gonna be playing some creative because it's a special occasion why is this such a special occasion well fortnite actually reached out and apparently uh banned wagers okay it's against uh tos i guess in epic games terms epic games has reached out to a bunch of top creators including clicks and just a bunch of other people they're starting to not allow uh big creators to stream wagers because it's uh basically gambling and i get it i mean it's just not something that epic games wants to be going on in their game it kind of sucks though because there's a whole community based on wagers and stuff and some could say it's gambling is it illegal gambling honestly i don't even know but i'm just relaying the information there's a bunch of websites that host fortnight wagers and uh some telling me that fortnite is gonna go after those uh next because i don't know like i i don't i'm probably gonna stop doing wagers as well as long as this is a rule because i don't want my support of creator god taken away and you know i'm just trying to abide by all the rules and stuff since this is a special occasion we are going to be doing a 3v3 creative non-wager this is not a wager okay orange and j found a random trio and uh we're gonna 3v3m if this was a wager you know there would be money on the line but there's not because we're following the rules this is to get our trio chemistry up before the friday night bragging rights tournament which is tomorrow and uh yeah so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video if you do make sure to drop a like and i'll see you guys later right kiwis and i'm out peace and cringe [ __ ] lord suck my [ __ ] little [ __ ] princess oh yeah time to cut that out my video interesting anonymous 256 aka kiwis how you doing my trio fortnite band wages today did you guys know that shut up no one cares [ __ ] you stupid [ __ ] fortnite band wagers so what are we gonna do we're not gonna do a wager no we're not this is not a wager that would be against the royals orange this is actually not for money no it's not for money and this is not a wager it's a normal 3v3 and we're doing it to get our trio chemistry before the friday night bragging rights tournament tomorrow which i will be uploading to my youtube channel kiwis and uh oh wait so if this is not for me why am i playing i just told you for like chemistry bro like what are you saying anyways same everything i respect is it first of five first five i mean i don't know you're the one who picked your kids all right i'm cranking crank fry crank fry i'm on high i'm on high yeah all right so we can literally we can literally jump on this guy right now this guy's like a a crack head bro we just spray down honestly like just find out where they are and spray oh right here just spray just spray just spray go yo i'm i'm i'm i'm do hello wait there are all three there i thought we knocked one now oh yeah coming coming coming coming yeah i'm boxing boxing boxing one of them was kind of weak oh my god no way oh nice don't do that don't do that that's a bad bad idea he's dropping heels you just drop the minis one of them is going to edit the other one's gonna go for the pump nice oh my goodness you're so sexy oh good try yeah that was my bad i threw that around who threw that around that was me i threw that i threw that around oh i kiwi through this round yes i threw that round specifically yeah making making sure that i don't throw it's like he can admit you know like you can't really yeah yeah that's true that's true though you're right jay yeah yo honestly i might be able to break this down oh they're all on me i'm i'm chopping i'm chopping i'm chopping just just hold it off keep build fighting please yeah i know i know i'm trying i'm trying i'm joined bro what is this connected to what the [ __ ] is this connector oh i see it i see it i see it i broke it i broke it i knocked one i knocked on it i'm in a box i'm gonna buy from the box i got the wall dead what's that nice too much grab the match grab the mask where is he 100 nice let's go let's go that was a w right there look at look at my call right there that just just get on everyone like i'm so good at the game it's actually insane great call by my igl thanks honestly i might be able to break this again yeah yeah i'm spraying i'm just praying i'm just praying don't jump him wait what though well i'm not at it let him at it let him edit edit okay all right right now okay okay i'm right here i'm right here i got the knock i got the knock okay i'm one i'm one holy crazy you shoot me out shoot me out i'm good i'm good i'm good he's just spraying he's just spraying right now he's literally in that in the box yeah i'm i'll push him oh my god my duo i mean i'll need me dead let's go let's go dude yeah jay you kind of beasted that round i'm not gonna lie two to one all right oh yeah i got balls in the letter wait wait wait you get what you get what in elena yo craig crank crank crank i'm on it i'm on it guaranteed i'm all the way up all the way up right now i'm just spraying that guy i'm spraying i'm spraying them oh my god no no behind me oh my god i just got crashed oh my yes sam i'm going to one up oh my i'm getting absolutely [ __ ] on up here yo i need you guys as hell but i think i'm dead like actually um i hit him 85. you knocked him you knocked them you knocked one nice nice nice i got it i got i got it all right it's a 2v2 2v2 oh the guy's pushing all the guys pushing build build build like i was pushing on j right now nothing nice yo look at the teamwork were you watching for my pov no i was watching jay wow yeah i'm gonna say you might have people put that down on your video uh nah i'm too lazy 180. that i'm on height right now wow nice yeah i hit him 31 orange i'm just kidding i'm just getting in literally he's uh cranking up a little bit 189 189 max damage off you guys pick up some pick up nice dude yo we're actually kind of not him right now i'm not gonna lie like like straight everywhere what is this is this the last one right here it's a five is this it no it's 47.
oh my god i missed again wow i'm still literally we're all we're all kind of one right now chill where is this guy throw me chromie went from edit i'm going from that it he edited on me dead oh my god wow i didn't think he was actually going to edit like that nice five to one this is kind of free we might have to do another one honestly our chemistry is just off the charts think about how much money we would have made wow i would have been doubling this for days okay i just oh my god i'm gonna get [ __ ] on i just got [ __ ] up by this guy i'm not gonna like wow i'm not gonna lie this guy triple edited on me and literally shoot my face like he no way watch out for the other guy the other guy nice nice watch the other guy's gonna push other guys gonna push all right you're good you're good yeah go go back and get those mats if you can you need those no bills no bells zero nice holy sh that was crazy the amount of vitamin c right there was insane are you trying to get stunned you're an orange bro vitamin c 135 yo i'm being uh double cranked on on height double cranked thirty three six six three okay jesus christ almighty honestly for our first ever non-wager we kind of killed those guys yeah i wish i was wager i don't know why yeah but unfortunately that is against the rules do you see those guys honestly my trio's nuts alright if you guys didn't enjoy this video drop a like subscribe our brand youtube channel dreamboard orange and i'm out peace all right my turn thank you guys so much for watching the video hopefully you guys enjoyed that i'm out peace by the way before this video ends let me know what you guys did oh my gosh by the way before this video as we know you guys ate for breakfast in the comment section down below the way you said that the way you said by the way before this video ends just let me know what you guys ate for breakfast
Fortnite actually just BANNED this forever… (RIP)
Source : Youtube